Hello Everyone,
Thanksgiving has come and gone and although it was a long weekend, it flew by. Our first stop was PEI where we stayed with Brent's parents for Friday, Saturday, and half of Sunday. It was a busy weekend at the Craig's as the potato harvest is fully underway. Brent spent the day Saturday on the farm and I prepared desserts for the upcoming dinners. Sunday was a long day as it included church, a nice walk through the fall leaves, and Thanksgiving dinner with the Craigs and friends.
After a filling our bellies we settled into the truck to drive to Amherst to celebrate Thanksgiving #2 with Linz, Phil, Jamie, Mom, and the Millers. Monday the Marchbank women took to the kitchen to prepare Thankgiving dinner. Eveything was finished early enough to allow for a nice walk to collect leaves for the center of the table. It was a blessing to be able to see both our families on the weekend. We were extremely thankful for that!